Friday, April 23, 2010

infanticide law

From reading one of my classmate's blog about infanticide laws, it brought more interest and a little frustration after reading through it. Postpartum depression is an illness that can not be treated instantly by any means, and it can lead to very serious consequences. It can be quite sad to see a once happy family all shattered apart, but this is no means an excuse to use when mothers have killed their babies of less than a year old. I totally disagree with the fact that mothers who murder their child before the age of one can be forgiven because of their postpartum depression. A child's life is very precious because it is the beginning for the future,and no one should have to take the child's life in a flash for no good reasons. We can not just let mothers who claimed that they are in postpartum depression to be off the sentence of murder that easily. Instead, shouldn't we help mothers who suffer from postpartum depression and devise programs during their pregnancy to help them gain self motivation and confidence? With increase in researches and studies, scientists and doctors should devise programs that help mothers in their pregnancy and after the pregnancy stage to feel better about themselves. It is not a good idea to let mothers who claimed that they suffered from postpartum depression without finding the solution. We need to find a solution that can reduce and hopefully terminate the cause of postpartum depression. Although this depression is a mental disorder, it can still be treated and tended for with the proper care. I certainly think that using this excuse to let mothers off the case is a little too easy. We live in an unfair world, and by far we have to pay for what we deserve.

A second concern about this bill is that this world alone is made up of swindlers and con people who can ultimately have a bad intention. We don't really know whether the mothers really suffered from postpartum depression or whether she was faking it all time to ease her way out of the court. Even if there are millions of tests and lie detectors out there, a person would do anything to get themselves out of jail. People can do it once, and what happenes when they have the second child and history repeats itself? What shall we do then? That's why the only thing we desperately need is to help women during their pregancy stages, and not come up with excuses to let them kill their own child.

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